政治大學哲學系與政治大學東亞實踐哲學研究中心將於2024/11/25(一)13:00 – 17:00,於政治大學哲學系圖書室舉辦日本哲學工作坊,期待您的參與,另設有 Google Meet 連結,歡迎線上參與
International Workshop
Globalizing Japanese Philosophy: From Pre-Modern to Modern
Date: November 25, 2024 (Monday)
Venue: Department of Philosophy’s Library, National Chengchi University
Use of languages: English, Chinese and Japanese
Presenters and moderators (in alphabetic order of surnames):
Goda Masato 合田正人 (Meiji University, Japan)
Topic: Rethinking the !Philosophy of World History’’
Harada Megumi 原⽥芽実 (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea and National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Topic: 伊藤仁斎の道徳的実践論における情の役割―先秦儒家における親親との⽐較を通して―
Ko Ching Tung ⾼程東 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Topic: On the inheritance and innovation of Confucian thought by the relationship between the concepts of Kyō 教 (Teaching) and Hō 法 (Law) in Nishi Amane’s “Hyakuichi-Shinron” 『百⼀新論』(New Essay on One Hundred as One)
Kevin Lam 林永強 (Dokkyo University, Japan)
The First-person Self as Moral Agent: On Watsuji Tetsurō’s Trust
Ellie Wang 王華 (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)