1. 主持人:清華大學哲學所陳斐婷老師、台灣大學哲學系鄧敦民老師
(1) 第一篇是Blackwell Companion to Ancient Philosophy Ch.18(p.347-373)
Mary Louise Gill’s “First Philosophy in Aristotle”(簡稱FPA)
扼要介紹What is first philosophy? The science of being qua being; categories and change; what being is primary? Overview of Aristotle’s Metaphysics; subject; essence; the problem of matter; the status of form; potentiality and actuality; form-matter predication; form and functional matter; primary substances等形上學議題。
(2) 第二篇是Myles Burnyeat’s A Map of Metaphysics Zeta(簡稱MMZ)。
3. 讀書會為線上進行,全程由陳斐婷老師報告,歡迎與會者請隨時提出問題進行討論。歡迎有興趣的師生加入,請直接與陳斐婷老師(ftchen@mx.nthu.edu.tw)聯繫報名。
4. 暫定討論進度
7/11 FPA pp.353-361
Overview of Metaphysics Zeta; subject; essence; the problem of matter; the status of form.
7/25 FPA pp. 361-369
Potentiality and actuality; form-matter predication; from and functional matter; primary substance; theology.
8/01 MMZ pp.1-14
Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 The Map; Chapter 3 The Signposts Z.1-2.
8/15 MMZ pp.14-29
Chapter 3 The Signposts Z.3-6.
8/22 MMZ pp.29-44
Chapter 3 The Signposts Z.7-12.
8/29 MMZ pp.44-62
Chapter 3 The Signposts Z.13-17.