從一個氣象學者的視角看自然神學:上帝,時間,和人類自由意志 A meteorologist’s perspective on God, Time, and Human Free Will
時間:2023/5/18(四) 1:10 pm – 3:00 pm地點:基隆路四段144巷61號臺大大氣科學系B-105教室
For materialists, the universe’s deterministic physical laws dictate that everything was predetermined since the Big Bang, and human free will is an illusion. If people causing evils have no control over their actions, should they be punished? For theists, God knew all human behavior since creation, and evil stems from God’s gift of free will. But if God’s knowledge cannot be changed, how can humans have free will? These two opposing worldviews face the same challenge.
While the science of physics continues to evolve, religious doctrine is slow to change. Many theologians also like to invoke Einstein’s theory as a modern physics support for St. Augustine’s view, that God’s eternity being outside of the block universe. On the other hand, Bible’s stories of God all take place inside time (A theory). God’s answering to prayers is also easier to comprehend within the A-theory framework. However, Christianity insists on the B theory (God outside of time) to protect God’s sovereignty.
Examination of the relationship between forced and free wave motions in the atmosphere reveals that they are not necessarily resonant as often assumed by textbooks. Chaos mechanisms and radiation forcing also do not interfere with each other, so that while the confidence in a 10-day temperature forecast may be low, we can predict with high confidence that global warming is true. Apply these insights as an analogy, God can maintain absolute sovereignty while allowing humans free will. This concept offers a revolutionary interpretation of a famous story on God’s omniscience, and a more robust theodicy in the defense against accusations that God creates evil.