一、 徵 聘:
三、 資 格:
四、 應徵資料:
1. 教師證書或最高學位證明書影本一份。
2. 詳細個人履歷一份,內含學經歷、曾任教課程、學術著作目錄,並註明應徵專長。
3. 與應徵專長相關之最近五年內學術著作五份。
4. 應徵資料請以掛號郵寄,欲回收應徵資料者請註明。
五、 應徵者專長:應用哲學、中國哲學或西方哲學。
六、 起聘日期:最晚可於112學年度第1學期(2023年8月1日起聘)
七、 收件截止日期:2023年2月1日(以2023年2月1日郵戳為憑)
地址:(32001)桃園市中壢區中大路300號 中央大學哲學研究所辦公室
電話:03-4227151 轉 33550
Academic Post at the National Central University:
Graduate Institute of Philosophy
The Graduate Institute of Philosophy at the National Central University welcomes applications for a fixed-term position.
Key Responsibilities:
The provision of teaching on philosophical courses for BA students.
Teaching and Research in Applied Philosophy, Contemporary Interpretations of Chinese Philosophy or Western Philosophy.
Delivering compulsory courses of general education as well as philosophical courses as a second major for undergraduate students.
Qualifications: The applicant should have a doctoral degree in Philosophy from a reputable university. The applicant is required to be proficient in both Chinese and English and be able to deliver the courses in English.
Specializations: Applied Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy or Western Philosophy.
Application Materials:
1. A photocopy of Teacher’s Certificate or PhD Degree Certificate
2. Detailed curriculum vitae, including education, description of work experience, courses taught, publication list and statement of field(s) of expertise.
3. Five copies of publications related to the stated specialization over the past five years
Please send the application materials by registered mail. Those who request for the return of the application materials, please notify the institute in the application letter.
Application Deadline: February 1, 2023
Position Start Date: Due to commence on August 1, 2023 (Fall Semester, 2023)
For further inquiries, please contact Professor HUANG Chong-Xiu, Director of the Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University.
Add: No.300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
E-mail: hcs90441@gmail.com
Telephone: +886-3-4227151 #33550
Fax: +886-3-4224704