亞洲宗教哲學學會創會會議將於 2025/08/13 – 15 於香港舉行。臺大傳統與科學形而上學中心為主辦單位之一。摘要提交截止日期為 2025/03/31。敬請廣傳分享、踴躍參加。
[Call for Papers] Inaugural Conference of the Asian Society for Philosophy of Religion
Theme: Challenges to Religious Worldviews: East-West Dialogue
Dates: 13–15 August 2025
Location: Hong Kong Baptist University
The Asian Society for Philosophy of Religion (ASPR) is a philosophical society formed by philosophers of religion who are based in Asia, with the aim to promote the development of philosophy of religion in Asia and its exchange with the rest of the world. The society is delighted to announce its inaugural conference, which will take place on 13–15 August 2025 in Hong Kong.
The conference theme, “Challenges to Religious Worldviews: East-West Dialogue,” aims to address pressing questions, both philosophical and/or social, facing religious worldviews today. Drawing on insights from both contemporary analytic philosophy and the diverse cultural and religious traditions of Asia, we seek to facilitate new grounds of academic reflection and exchange that will uniquely contribute to the global philosophy of religion.
For those whose papers are accepted, their meals and lodging during the conference period in Hong Kong will be covered by the organizers.
Conference details click here
Conference poster click here
Conference Sub-Themes
We invite submissions related to the main theme of the conference, including but not limited to the following sub-themes:
- AI and Religious Worldviews
- Evil and Hiddenness in Global Philosophy of Religion
- Afterlife in Global Philosophy of Religion
- The Nature of Ultimate Reality in Eastern and Western Cultures
- Buddhism and Nominalism
- Dialogue between Confucianism and Christianity
- Daoism, Nature, and Religious Worldviews
- Science, Rationality, and Religious Worldviews
- Ethics and Religion in Eastern and Western Cultures
- Analytic Philosophy of Religion in AI and Analytic Theology in Asia
- Others
The conference will feature three distinguished keynote speakers:
- Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers University)
- Eleonore Stump (Saint Louis University) (via Zoom)
- To be confirmed
Submission requirements:
A basic short abstract of 100 words
An extended abstract of 800–1000 words (excluding references)
Optional: A full draft or a published copy
Deadline: 31 March 2025
Submission Email: Please email your abstract to aspr.1107.24@gmail.com and cc cscs@hkbu.edu.hk as well.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee, and selected presenters will be notified by 30 April 2025. For those whose abstracts are accepted, please also provide a full paper by 1 July 2025.
Contact Information
For further details about the conference or the Asian Society for Philosophy of Religion, please contact us at aspr.1107.24@gmail.com.