






貳、有意發表論文者,請於2023年03月31日前以電子檔 (MS-Word) 的方式提供個人基本資料(包含最高學歷,服務單位與職稱以及聯絡電話等),論文主題,中文約500字(英文約300字)的論文大綱與5個關鍵字,寄至會議助理林潁煊小姐收)



(1) 沈清松哲學思想研究

(2) 中國哲學與士林哲學

(3) 跨文化哲學與宗教交談

(4) 終極真實、慷慨與外推

(5) 存有與死亡的生命教育

(6) 自然、生態與環境倫理

(7) 在AI時代中的自我與多元他者

(8 ) 美學與藝術中的視見性、可譯性與可普性

(9) 後全球化時代的公共領域(包括戰爭與疫情)

(10) 中、西醫療哲學(包括照護倫理、哲學諮商與照顧哲學)

Being, Thinking and Meaningfulness of Life–International Conference in Memory of Professor Vincent Shen

Call for papers

The Department of Philosophy of Fu Jen Catholic University〔FJCU〕is holding a three-day international conference from June 7th to 9th 2024. This conference welcomes advanced academics to present their latest research results in various fields in regards to the thematic sections of this conference. Notes regarding this conference are as follows:

1. Regarding authors: Ph.D. graduates, part/full-time professors teaching in academic institutions, or researchers.

2. For those who are interested in submitting: please provide your basic information (including your highest education level, affiliation and position, contact information, etc.), title of your paper, an abstract approximately 500 words in Chinese (or 300 words in English), including 5 key terms, and send it (in Microsoft Word format) via email to conference assistant Zoe Saelim: before the date of March 31th 2023.

3. Authors are kindly required to submit their full paper before May 10th 2024. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are questions or suggestions.

4. Thematic sections are as follows:

(1) Vincent Shen’s thought and philosophy

(2) Chinese Philosophy and Scholastic Philosophy

(3) Intercultural Dialogues in Philosophy and in Religion

(4) Ultimate Reality, Generosity and Strangification

(5) Being, and Death and Life Education

(6) Nature, Ecology and Environmental Ethics

(7) Self and Multiple Others in the Age of AI

(8 ) Visuality, Translatability and Universalizability in Art and Aesthetics

(9) The Public Sphere in the Post-Globalization (including wars and pandemic)

(10) Philosophy of Medicine, East and West (including care ethics, philosophical counseling, philosophy of care, etc.)




活動日期:2024 年12 月09 日
~ 2024 年12 月11 日
發稿日期:2024 年12 月05 日


【演講】Experience, Episodic Memory, and the Epistemic Limits of Imagination

活動日期:2024 年12 月11 日
~ 2024 年12 月11 日
發稿日期:2024 年12 月05 日



發稿日期:2024 年12 月04 日

TPA 台灣哲學學會

【2024 年南海碩士論文獎】獲獎報導:傑出獎鄭閔中

發稿日期:2024 年11 月29 日

TPA 台灣哲學學會

【2024 年南海碩士論文獎】獲獎報導:優秀獎洪松

發稿日期:2024 年11 月28 日


【演講】On the Interdependence of All Things

活動日期:2024 年12 月04 日
~ 2024 年12 月04 日
發稿日期:2024 年11 月27 日